Please partake of the information in this two-part attempt to close out The Real MainStream‘s commentary and analysis on the topics covered below! It’s been a tough conversation, but one focused (as the “Careless Whispers” blog states) on “a basic ethical principle that is equally good for everyone, including you.” Links provided:

“Iowa City, Put Down Those Pitchforks:” Original Jan. 9 editorial
Also, for broader context about The Real MainStream, here are links to other recent articles about other topics:
• “Kindness Queers,” “queerantine kits” provide relief to LGBTQIA youth during pandemic (Jan. 14)
• Talking to Iowa’s Small towns: Dr. Kesho Scott’s George Floyd Memorials Resume (Jan. 13)
• Pet Wellness, Patient Health Go Hand in Hand at The Project of the Quad Cities (Jan. 10)
• National Expert on Fighting White Power Movement Leads Webinar in the Quad Cities (Dec. 15)
Thank you for reading!
— Christine Hawes, Managing/Executive Editor