Catch up on news items about progressive and intersectional groups, businesses and people throughout Iowa and Illinois:
Thurgood Brooks is a native Rock Islander challenging fellow native and four-year incumbent Mike Thoms for mayor April 6. Read and watch WQAD’s coverage of Brooks’ town hall and his platform, which includes affordable housing, revitalizing downtown, reaching out more directly to Rock Islanders, a more transparent city government, and more.
The Map Room in Cedar Rapids is seeking community groups who would like to collaborate on fundraising through the bar and restaurant’s Cheeseburgers for Charity program. Contact The Map Room at to inquire.
Springfield PrideFest in Illinois becomes one of the first 2021 Pride events to adjust plans while the coronavirus pandemic enters a second year. Organizers announced they will convert their scheduled May 15 event to a virtual experience, featuring live interviews interactive conversations, “coming out” stories, live entertainment, and more. Contact executive director Jonna Cooley at to inquire about getting involved.
Iowa Safe Schools will present at this year’s Annual Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ Youth, coming April 12-13.

The Corridor Community Action Network (CCAN) that formed to support other groups is seeking a physical location for an ongoing clothing pantry. In addition, CCAN provides daily and weekly “Action” posts on its Facebook page, filled with ways to volunteer or donate to local nonprofits and community groups. Click here to see today’s Action post.
The city of Cedar Rapids is seeking applicants for its new Police Review Board, only the second of its kind in the state of Iowa. Read The Gazette’s summary of the board, which requires at least five of its nine members to be Black, Indigenous or People of Color. if you’re interested in applying, click here.
Community Briefs is a collection of intersectional, progressive and LGBTQ-affirming news tidbits throughout Iowa and Illinois. To share an entry in Community Briefs, please email