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Out-of-pocket cost increases drastically reduce PrEP use: Even a $10 monthly increase in the cost of PrEP can cause a patient to stop taking the medication, which is considered 99 percent effective in rendering HIV undetectable. Poz Magazine writes that the additional health costs of taking PrEP can also discourage people from taking the medication. Related blood screenings and lab work are supposed to be covered by the Affordable Care Act, but Poz reports that enforcing that requirement can be a challenge.

New anti-corruption Guatemala president faces establishment opposition: Guatemala, one of the three Central American countries with the greatest number of immigrants to the United States, has a new president, reports NBC News. Bernardo ArĂ©valo, who promised to face down corruption, was elected in August. Read this article to learn more about ArĂ©valo and why Guatemala’s Congress and attorney general have been legally challenging his election. Migration Policy estimates that Guatemala accounts for about 29 percent of Central American immigrants to the United States.

Scholar calls out conservatives and liberals alike for distorting Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy: The best way to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., Day is to read the late activist’s writings, says Rann Miller, author of Resistance Stories from Black History for Kids, in this op-ed piece for The Progressive Magazine. “Read King’s speeches and challenge yourself to change your lens of the world to reflect the world he relentlessly pushed us towards,” Miller writes